Friday, August 30, 2013

The Winds of Time

The winds of time, their song now sung 
Grow strangely calm, as death draws near
No pain, no doubts, no fear. NO FEAR!
Just glad no more hands need be wrung
And sad the wise are rarely young

Remembering fate, and love, and life
Sweet triumphs won outshine the rest
And now I face my final test
My destination free of strife
The winds of time, my new found wife

All gathered ‘round, my friends and kin
To bid adieu, and make their peace
To pray my days won’t shortly cease
Strong voices rise above the din
But winds of time must always win

They’ll blow no more, the winds of time
Eternal breezes, fair and just
Though now they’re still, their dying gust
Has snuffed my breath, their final crime
They’ll blow no more, the winds of time

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