Friday, August 30, 2013

Humanity Was A Blip In My Past, Thank God

How eons right the mighty wrongs
Upon the years, my truths reigned strong
Millennia, I’d laid the plan
And then the specter I called “man”
New beings rose, but not for long
It came the time to start again
To cull the good from way back when
Yes, give this group a big loud gong

When creatures rise, for times so brief
And then my system needs relief
Some cataclysm cleans the slate
And surely seals the culprits’ fate
Blows them away, as autumn’s leaf
Lord sweeps them all to pearly gate
In just a blink, their dooms await
Perhaps I’ll feel no more such grief

In breaking out my cleansing tools
No more polluting, reckless fools
Mass extinction, a painful must
Yea, now I flex my will so just
Playing God with my new gene pools
And bowing to Creator’s lust
See me transform ashes to dust
Try once again to change the rules

The ages come, and ages go
How many times must I prove so
And show my service is not “lip”
No better time to flop the flip
Knowing that “the thing’s the show
Good gracious me, I’ll right the ship
Once humans know, they’re just a blip
Don’t shed a tear, I just “said no.”

1 comment:

  1. This poem reflects my belief that humans will not be on this planet for very long. We think we're killing off the planet, but really we'll be killing off ourselves. Earth will survive. Global warming may be followed by a big ice age, new plants and animals will arise, and the earth will re-invent itself.
