Friday, August 30, 2013

Cute Blonde Okie

I saw her smile, across the room
Across the room so smoky
There she was, her perfect self
My favorite cute blonde Okie

And when I saw, that goofy smirk
across that room so smoky
I knew I'd found a fellow jerk,
my favorite cute blonde Okie.

And so we met, and talked a bit
We got on Okey-dokey
I didn’t want to say goodbye
To such a cute blonde Okie

To show my skills, I took the mike
And sang some karaoke
It wasn’t great, but she cared not
For this blonde was an Okie

I sat to write an ode to you,
a silly poem, so hokey.
Though purists may respond--P.U!
I created "Cute blonde Okie!"

Great poetry, this mostly ain’t 
In fact this rhyme is hokey
But that’s cuz it’s inspired by
My favorite cute blonde Okie

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