Friday, August 30, 2013

Grandparenting’s Cool

The smiles and joy when kids enjoy
Seeing and doing something new to them
Is what parenting is all about
And family
And life
And humanity

So shouldn’t we get the clue
To keep doing new things
Those things that keep us alive
In body and mind

Didn’t it make you smile too
When you saw that smile for the first time
From your kid
And his
And hers
Grandparenting’s cool

I know my poems are just da bomb

I know my poems are just da bomb
It’s true, sez
They spam my rear with news I won
In guise to sell all ‘neath the sun

I shall not fail this test of poem
Else I shall lose my only home
Oh wait, I fear I just misspoke
For rhymesters earn no bucks--they’re broke!

So even if my verse be tops
Repossessors may bust my chops
And throw my butt upon the street
To freeze each night, sans any heat

So do I craft this art in vain
Or might the ends be worth my pain?
I shan’t be sure, till reaper shows
And I’m forever comatose
For then the Lord shall judge the worth
Of all I’ve done upon the earth
If judgment says I’m in the black
Then your opinion don’t mean Jack

So I’ll continue to create
Though two days passed since I last ate
I’ll write and dream that I get rich
But until then, my life’s a #@*&%$

Of poetry, they don’t care none
Their scam is spam, to sell, and run
So when I try to claim my prize
They wave invoices in my eyes

They’ve taken gall to brand new heights
Which shows their business model bites
Though prey they do on rookie hopes
My heart tells me they’re gutless dopes

To prove how clueless these fools be
I fake this faux literacy
To see if it may win their test
And they proclaim that I’m the best

Then I shall know they’re all e-crooks
Who prob’ly keep two sets of books
One for themselves, one for the Feds
How is it all straight in their heads?

Boo Boo ba Boo
Dis poem is coo'
Don’t pay no bills
From Owing Mills

Cute Blonde Okie

I saw her smile, across the room
Across the room so smoky
There she was, her perfect self
My favorite cute blonde Okie

And when I saw, that goofy smirk
across that room so smoky
I knew I'd found a fellow jerk,
my favorite cute blonde Okie.

And so we met, and talked a bit
We got on Okey-dokey
I didn’t want to say goodbye
To such a cute blonde Okie

To show my skills, I took the mike
And sang some karaoke
It wasn’t great, but she cared not
For this blonde was an Okie

I sat to write an ode to you,
a silly poem, so hokey.
Though purists may respond--P.U!
I created "Cute blonde Okie!"

Great poetry, this mostly ain’t 
In fact this rhyme is hokey
But that’s cuz it’s inspired by
My favorite cute blonde Okie

The Winds of Time

The winds of time, their song now sung 
Grow strangely calm, as death draws near
No pain, no doubts, no fear. NO FEAR!
Just glad no more hands need be wrung
And sad the wise are rarely young

Remembering fate, and love, and life
Sweet triumphs won outshine the rest
And now I face my final test
My destination free of strife
The winds of time, my new found wife

All gathered ‘round, my friends and kin
To bid adieu, and make their peace
To pray my days won’t shortly cease
Strong voices rise above the din
But winds of time must always win

They’ll blow no more, the winds of time
Eternal breezes, fair and just
Though now they’re still, their dying gust
Has snuffed my breath, their final crime
They’ll blow no more, the winds of time

Atheists Mourn “God”

Allah, Buddha, Jehovah, Zeus
They’re from the mind of Dr. Seuss
Heresy, say pious billions
Except I see the martyred millions
Impaled by “knowers” of the truth
Sacrificed in the prime of youth
The name of God is their excuse
So many dead! Ye Gads! Forsooth!

My wish is God just never was
Oh joy! We’d live right just because
Unblocked from myths of supreme reign
Responsibility rules again
No deity to take the blame
Great wars fought no more in His name
O evil is as righteous does
Done for your Lord, a crying shame

Humanity Was A Blip In My Past, Thank God

How eons right the mighty wrongs
Upon the years, my truths reigned strong
Millennia, I’d laid the plan
And then the specter I called “man”
New beings rose, but not for long
It came the time to start again
To cull the good from way back when
Yes, give this group a big loud gong

When creatures rise, for times so brief
And then my system needs relief
Some cataclysm cleans the slate
And surely seals the culprits’ fate
Blows them away, as autumn’s leaf
Lord sweeps them all to pearly gate
In just a blink, their dooms await
Perhaps I’ll feel no more such grief

In breaking out my cleansing tools
No more polluting, reckless fools
Mass extinction, a painful must
Yea, now I flex my will so just
Playing God with my new gene pools
And bowing to Creator’s lust
See me transform ashes to dust
Try once again to change the rules

The ages come, and ages go
How many times must I prove so
And show my service is not “lip”
No better time to flop the flip
Knowing that “the thing’s the show
Good gracious me, I’ll right the ship
Once humans know, they’re just a blip
Don’t shed a tear, I just “said no.”